C programing- Algorithm

Finite and ardered sequence of steps which when performed leads to the solution of a problem in definitely amount of time. 
•Ordered sequence
•Solution that is result
•Resonable time pencil paper
•Zero or more Inputs at least one output •Unambiguous instructions(1/0) 

We amy take a example of. 
Recipe of making tea to understand the basic of algorithm. 
Recipe of making 2 cups of tea 🍵. 

1.Take a medium sized vessel.
2. Measure 1.5 cups of water and pour into vessel. 
3. Place the vessel on the burner & switch on the burnur to meduin flame. 
4. Add 2 spoon of tea powder
5. Once, the the water comes to Boil add sugar 6 - A minute later add milk per taste required . 7. In another minute pour the contents of the vessel into two cups after passing the tea through a stainer 
8. Serve the hot tea. 

To know more about algorithms subscribe my blog and continue your learning 
In my nest blog you can find my handwritten notes of algorithm. And it's practice problem. 
Thank you


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